Well, it wasn’t actually a food fight with people throwing food at each other in a cafeteria, but rather a Food Fight to Battle Hunger! Last Friday, May 13th, CC Pacers joined hundreds of other volunteers to help package meals to be sent to starving children around the world. We participated in a mobile food-packing event sponsored by Feed My Starving Children that provides meals to children in over 40 countries. The event was held at the Dulles Expo Center located in Chantilly, VA, over the weekend of May 13th through May 15th. The goal of the event was to pack 5.1 million meals that would feed over 19,000 starving children worldwide for a year.
We started our session with lots of cheerleading from the event coordinators, donning very attractive hair nets, and energizing music to create lots of fun and excitement as we went to our packing stations. We all had a good time doing our jobs while dancing and singing to “Up Town Funk”, “YMCA”, “Twist and Shout” and lots of other great tunes.
By the end of our session, the CC Pace team had packed 1316 meals and all of the volunteers for that session, packed over 146,000 meals that will feed 402 children for a year!
Thanks to all the volunteers for helping out at this very worthwhile event. Already looking forward to the Food Fight next year!
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