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    Career Advice
    March 8, 2023
    5 min

    The Future is Flexible

    When it comes to work trends, one thing is clear: the future is all about... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    February 27, 2023
    4 min

    Awards Season Has Arrived!

    “Our people are our most important asset” is one of the phrases you will not only... Continue Reading
    February 15, 2023
    4 min

    Communication breakdowns—they drive us insane too!

    Pt 1 of a two-part series Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    February 8, 2023
    3 min

    Time to check your leaky faucets!

    In early 2022, my wife and I noticed a slight drip in the kitchen sink that... Continue Reading
    Financial Services
    January 18, 2023
    4 min

    It’s 2023 and Elephants are Dancing

    In reading about all the FinTech lenders that have been re-imagining the customer... Continue Reading
    January 9, 2023
    3 min

    A DevOps Reflection

    Recently, I was part of a successful implementation of a project at a big financial... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    December 29, 2022
    2 min

    Giving Toys and Joy! - CC Pace %

    The CC Pace Accounting group (aka: AFA – Amazing Fun Always department) sponsored... Continue Reading
    Career Advice
    December 12, 2022
    1 min

    Laid Off – Now What?

    Laid Off are words that carry a huge amount of uncertainty. The current economic... Continue Reading
    December 2, 2022
    3 min

    The Dutch: Total Soccer, Compensatory Movement, and T-Shaped Skills

    With the World Cup taking over the headlines, we couldn’t miss an opportunity to... Continue Reading
    November 28, 2022
    4 min

    Agile Challenges: How Critical is Management Support and Sponsorship

    In a previous blog post, we covered the top 10 challenges organizations face when... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    November 14, 2022
    2 min

    You Might Be A …?

    Surely, we’ve all heard about the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types identified in... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    October 24, 2022
    2 min

    Back-to-School Ready!

    At CC Pace #MakingADifference is a big part of our culture through our corporate... Continue Reading